Terms of service
- Acceptance of Terms and Certain Key Terminology
- The Platform
- Additional Premium Services
- Fair Use Policy
- Modification of Terms or Platform
- Eligibility & Account Creation
- Posts and Communications with Experts
- Prohibitions
- Notice and Procedure for Making Claims of Copyright Infringement
- Fees, Refund and Cancellation Policy
- Proprietary Rights and Limited License
- Feedback
- Third Party Links & Services
- Duration and Termination of Agreement
- SMS Terms
- Limitation of Liability
- Dispute Resolution
- Applicable Law
- Application License
- Miscellaneous
- Contact Us
- iOS Terms
1. Acceptance of Terms and Certain Key Terminology
Welcome to AND JustAnswer.co.uk Internet platform, which is owned and operated by JustAnswer LLC, alimited liability company domiciled in Idaho, USA and with corporate offices at 440 N. BarrancaAve. #7608, Covina, CA 91723 (“JustAnswer”, “we” or “us”).
"User", "you" and "your" refer to the individual or entity that uses the UK, German, Japanese, orSpanish websites, applications, and other offerings from JustAnswer (collectively, the “Platform”). "Customer" refers to the person who asks a question on the Platform. “Expert” refers to theperson who answers a question on the Platform. Customer and Expert together are “Users". TheseTerms of Service and all rules, policies and disclaimers posted on the Platform or about which youare notified, and, if you are an Expert, the Expert Agreement, (collectively, the “Terms”) governyour use of the Platform.
By using or otherwise accessing the Platform or clicking to accept or agree to these Terms, you (1) accept and agree to these Terms and (2) consent to the collection, use, disclosure and otherhandling of information as described in our Privacy Policies listed in Appendix A, and (3) agree tocomply with all rules, policies, and disclaimers posted on the Platform or about which you arenotified.
Our Platform is an online venue that facilitates Customers and Experts connecting forinformational and educational purposes. JustAnswer itself does not provide any information or education to Customers, and JustAnswer itself does not provide advice or any professionalservice to Customers.
Users of the Platform, not JustAnswer, provide content in Posts. “Posts" are all questions, answers, requests for information, responses, profiles, Expert signatures, qualifications, comments andposts on our Platform, including on the Expert Forum, and other places where Users communicatewith one another.
We do not represent, recommend or endorse Experts. Neither do Experts represent us. Expertsare independent contractors, not employees or agents of JustAnswer. Experts have sole discretionin selecting which Customer questions to answer and Experts are solely responsible for yourCustomer experience in respect of answers that they give or do not give.
We are not an agent for Customers. Our relationship with Customers is limited to our responsibilityto provide our Platform services in accordance with these Terms.
We are not involved in the conversations you may engage in with other Users. JustAnswer is notliable for (a) any acts or omissions by you or other Users, (b) content of Posts, or (c) an Expert'sfailure to complete a transaction.
You understand certain tools, such as chatbots, (“Tools”) may utilize or be powered by ArtificialIntelligence ("Al") language models, and data input into such Tools shall be subject to these Terms, our Privacy Policy, and any other disclosures presented in connection with such Tools. Youunderstand JustAnswer may also allow Experts to use certain Tools at their discretion, which mayutilize Al language models or other automated technology to, for example, help Expertscommunicate with other Users on the Platform. Customers are solely responsible for transactionsthey make with Experts on the Platform, including honoring any payment obligations.
We use reasonable skill and care in providing our Platform and act with professional diligence. Weare not responsible for editing, modifying, filtering, screening, monitoring, or endorsing Posts andwe cannot guarantee that Posts or other communications between Customers and Experts areaccurate, but we may modify Posts or other communications for privacy purposes and at oureditorial discretion, including for clarity or length. However as soon as we become aware that aPost is unlawful, we will do everything we can to address this (e.g. by removing a Post, denying aUser's further access to the Platform and/or reporting to competent authorities).
EMERGENCY QUESTIONS AND CRISIS SITUATIONS (particularly regarding medical or mental healthissues) should not be directed to the Platform and should instead be directed immediately bytelephone or in-person to qualified professionals (e.g., in the EU, call 112; in the UK, call 999; inJapan, call 119). The Platform is not the appropriate venue to deal with such situations.
JustAnswer contracts with third-party service providers to perform credential verification forExperts before they are admitted to the Platform. The results of the verifications are only asaccurate as the information provided to and by the third-party verification service, as of the timeof the providing of information to and by the third-party verification services. JustAnswer cannotwarrant or guarantee an Expert's purported identity and cannot and does not represent, warrant, or guarantee the truthfulness or accuracy of the credentials or identities of Users and informationprovided by Users including Experts. You acknowledge that JustAnswer will not be liable for anyloss or damages caused by your reliance on any information or content contained in Posts.
Answers Experts provide on the Platform are to be used by Customers for general informationpurposes only, not as a substitute for in-person evaluation or specific professional (including butnot limited to: medical, legal, veterinary, tax, financial, construction, etc.) advice. Noprofessional-client relationships shall be formed on the Platform. For example, Experts in theLegal category are only to provide general information about the law and are not to provide legaladvice nor propose a specific course of action for a Customer.
By answering questions, Experts are obligated not to form, and do not form, attorney-client ordoctor-patient relationships with Users of the Platform. The laws, regulations, other governingauthorities, standards, practices, and procedures that apply to your particular question may differdepending on your location and information typically discovered through in-person evaluations orvisits. Experts in some categories may be licensed, certified, educated, employed by or haveexperience in only particular jurisdictions.
Communications on this Platform are not confidential, with the exception of questions andanswers posted in the "Medical" category through the German Website, and shall not be thesubject of any associated privileges. Communications on this Platform are limited, as describedabove, do not involve in-person evaluations or visits, and do not include safeguards andprocedures typical of in-person evaluations and visits.
3. Additional Premium Services
You may be presented with an offer for services outside of the Platform's standard question- and-answer format (“Additional Premium Services").
JustAnswer is only a venue which facilitates communication between Experts and potential Usersof Additional Premium Services. It does not provide any of the substance or content of anyAdditional Premium Services initiated through JustAnswer's Platform.
JustAnswer will in no way be liable for any acts or omissions of Experts in performing AdditionalPremium Services (or any services) for you or any issues that may arise before, during, or afterany Additional Premium Service.
Additional Premium Services may be: (1) "Information Only;” or (2) “Beyond Information Only."
"Information Only" Additional Premium Services are those additional services outside thePlatform's standard question-and-answer platform and may be conducted off the Platform (eitherby phone, chat, email, remote desktop, or any other third-party tool) directly between theCustomer and the Expert but remain for general informational services only.
"Beyond Information Only" services facilitate Users' exchange off Platform that are more thaninformational and that could potentially evolve into a professional relationship. Charges by theExpert for Additional Premium Services will be described in the particular offer. JustAnswer or theExpert may record communications during Additional Premium Services and you consent thereto.
Beyond Information Only Additional Premium Services
If you decide to accept Beyond Information Only Additional Premium Services, you understandthat by receiving such Additional Premium Services, you are agreeing to the following terms andconditions:
a. JustAnswer is not involved in any agreements between you and any Experts from whomyou choose to receive Beyond Information Only Additional Premium Services.
b. JustAnswer does not form any attorney-client/doctor-patient/accountant-clientrelationship with any User through its question-and-answer platform or by virtue of anyBeyond Information Only Additional Premium Services.
C. JustAnswer will endeavor to find an Expert relevant to your request for BeyondInformation Only Additional Premium Services. Nevertheless, JustAnswer does notguarantee that any Expert who contacts you can fulfill your request for BeyondInformation Only Additional Premium Services.
d. JustAnswer is not a law firm, and it does not provide any legal advice, counsel, orrecommendation to Users, nor is JustAnswer a lawyer referral service.
Information Only Additional Premium Services
If you decide to accept Information Only Additional Premium Services, you understand that byreceiving such Services, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:
a. Any Information Only Additional Premium Services you receive from a legal, tax, medicalor veterinary professional are for general informational purposes only.
b. The legal, tax, medical or veterinary professional from whom you are receivingInformation Only Additional Premium Services is not acting as your attorney, tax advisor, doctor or veterinarian and may not be licensed in the jurisdiction where you are located.
c. The Information Only Additional Premium Services are not subject to an attorney-client/ accountant-client/doctor-patient relationship or attorney-client/ accountant- client/doctor-patient privilege. Before applying the Information Only Additional PremiumServices to your specific situation, you should consult with a professional licensed topractice in your jurisdiction.
Terms Relating to Remote Desktop Users
If you agree to accept Remote Desktop Services (whether such services are Information Only orBeyond Information Only) from an Expert, by accepting such offer for services, you are agreeingto give the Expert full access to and control over your computer (including permission to downloadand use software on your computer, gather system data, modify settings, etc.) for computerdiagnosis, service, and repair. You agree that any third-party software acquired, installed, or usedduring the Remote Desktop session, by you or by the Expert, will be licensed or sub-licensed toyou, and that any terms of use relating to the third-party software are agreed to by you, that an
Expert may record via video the Remote Desktop Session for security purposes, and that you willnot use the Platform to do anything unlawful.
Membership Subscriptions are intended and authorized only for personal, non-transferrable, not- for-resale use only. Excessive use by any particular Customer may impair JustAnswer's ability tooffer subscriptions at reasonable prices to other Customers and/or indicate non-personal, transferred or resale use. Ask verified Experts as many questions as you would like in thesubscription eligible categories listed on the FAQ page in the applicable Help Center (linked in theappendix below) during the length of your subscription, subject to this Fair Use Policy and anyadditional or different terms presented to you at the time you sign up for a membership. The listof eligible forums is subject to change at any time, subject to JustAnswer's sole discretion.
5. Modification of Terms or Platform
JustAnswer may make changes to these Terms including to reflect changes in laws, technical orsecurity changes, new or updated services, or changes in circumstances beyond our reasonablecontrol. If the changes are material, we will notify you at least 30 days before they take effect. Youare responsible for reviewing and becoming familiar with the changes. Use of the Platform by youafter the changes take effect constitutes your acceptance of the updated Terms. If you do notaccept the changes, you must discontinue using the Platform.
JustAnswer may modify, suspend, discontinue, or terminate, temporarily or permanently, thePlatform or associated services (or part of them). We will give you reasonable notice before we doso, unless we need to do so urgently, such as for security, safety or legal reasons. If we suspend ordiscontinue the Platform or services, or you no longer want to continue using them after any suchmodifications, we will refund you any fees already paid for services which will not have been usedwhen the modifications take effect. Except for payments or refunds expressly available to youunder these Terms (or as required by law) and as otherwise set out in these Terms includingSection 2, JustAnswer will not be responsible to you for any modification, suspension, ordiscontinuance of the Platform.
6. Eligibility & Account Creation
In order to protect minors, you must be permitted to enter into transactions under the nationallaw of where you live in order to make use of our Platform (or, if your national law allows suchuse, make use of our Platform under parental supervision).
You must create an account (“Account”) to access certain features of the Platform. To create anAccount, you may have to provide us with certain information about you, such as your name, emailaddress and phone number. You will also be required to select a username and password. Youagree to provide accurate, current, and complete information during the Account registrationprocess and at all other times when you use the Platform, and to update information to keep itaccurate, current, and complete. You are solely responsible for safeguarding your Accountpassword and for all activity that occurs on your Account, and you will notify JustAnswerimmediately of any unauthorized use. We are not liable for any losses by any party caused by anunauthorized use of your Account. You agree to comply with all billing procedures, includingproviding and maintaining accurate and lawful billing information for your Account. Your Accountis nontransferable except with JustAnswer's written permission and in line with JustAnswerpolicies and procedures. If any JustAnswer account of yours has been suspended or terminated, you may not open another account on the Platform.
As permitted by applicable law, we may, but have no obligation (unless required by law) to, askUsers to provide identification or information related to credentials for purposes of using thePlatform and otherwise request information or obtain information about you to protect the safetyand security of the Platform, JustAnswer, other Users, and the public.
7. Posts and Communications with Experts
Posts and other communication between you and an Expert, including but not limited to phone calls and other virtual communications facilitated by our Platform, are not confidential and maybe used by JustAnswer for any purpose. Such communications facilitated by our Platform, are not private or confidential, nor are they protected by attorney-client, doctor-patient, or anyother privilege, and such communications may be recorded, read, collected, and used by others. For example, JustAnswer may publish, and search engines may index questions, answers, and other Posts to allow them to appear in search engine results (e.g., if someone does a search on google.com or another search engine, questions, answers, and other Posts and communicationson or facilitated by the Platform that relate to the search may appear in the search results list). Notwithstanding the above, we do not publish questions or posts submitted in the “Medical” category through our German Website.
Subject to the license grant below, as between you and JustAnswer, you will maintain whateverownership interest you have in and to the Posts you provide on the Site. JustAnswer reserves theright to remove any or all of your Posts, in whole or in part, at any time with or without notice. You are responsible for all Posts you contribute, in any manner, to the Platform, and you representand warrant you have all rights necessary to do so, in the manner in which you contribute it.
You grant to JustAnswer a non-exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, sublicensable (through multiple tiers) right to exercise the copyright, publicity, and database
rights, including the right to use, reproduce, display, edit, copy, modify, transmit, publicly perform, or create derivative works thereof, that you have in your Posts, in any media now known or notcurrently known, with respect to any such Posts. This license shall survive termination of thePlatform, these Terms, or your Account. JustAnswer does not claim ownership rights in your Postsand nothing in these Terms will be deemed to restrict rights that you may have to use and exploityour Posts.
Any information or content posted through the Platform, including Posts, is the sole responsibilityof the person from whom such content originated, and you access all such information andcontent at your own risk, and we aren't liable for any errors or omissions in that information orcontent or for any damages or loss you might suffer in connection with it. You acknowledge andagree that JustAnswer may or may not, in its sole discretion, pre-screen Posts before posted onthe Platform, but has no obligation to do so. JustAnswer reserves the right (but does not assumethe obligation) in its sole discretion to reject, move, edit, or remove any Posts, including but notlimited to any Post that violates these Terms or is otherwise objectionable. You understand thatby using the Services, you may be exposed to Posts that you may consider offensive orobjectionable. We cannot control and have no duty to take any action regarding how you mayinterpret and use Posts or what actions you may take as a result of having been exposed to Posts, and you hereby release us from all liability for you having acquired or not acquired Posts throughthe Platform. While we may try to do so, we can't guarantee the identity of any Users with whomyou interact in using the Platform and are not responsible for which Users gain access to thePlatform.
As a condition of use of the Platform, you agree to not use the Platform for any purpose that isunlawful or prohibited by these Terms, or any other purpose not reasonably intended byJustAnswer. By way of example, and not as a limitation, you agree not to:
- Directly or indirectly manipulate, undermine, or disrupt the integrity of any feedback ratings, reports, or systems on the Platform, including, but not limited to, by filing false reports about other Users;
- Establish a professional-client relationship on the Platform;
- Use the Platform for purposes of plagiarism in any context or in cheating in the academic setting;
- Use any automated programs to automatically lock questions that are posted on the Platform;
- Create multiple Accounts on the Platform;
- Use another User's account to access the Platform or permit another person to use or access your Account;
- Use methods to disguise your location or otherwise circumvent JustAnswer's tools to secure the Platform;
- Directly or indirectly submit any Posts or otherwise engage in conduct that is fraudulent, inaccurate, infringing, libelous, defamatory, abusive, offensive, obscene, pornographic or otherwise violates any law or right of JustAnswer or Users or any other third party, including privacy rights, copyrights, or other intellectual property right; • Directly or indirectly submit any Posts linking to affiliate programs, multi-level marketing schemes, or off-topic content;
- Violate any federal, state, or local law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or ethical code;
- Engage in any behavior that is defamatory, trade libelous, unlawfully threatening or unlawfully harassing;
- Submit any content containing any viruses, Trojan horses, or other computer programming routines that may damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal information;
- Except as expressly authorized by JustAnswer, solicit or otherwise request personal information from Users other than information strictly necessary to use the Platform for purposes of the Platform;
- Use artificial intelligence to train any robots (including but not limited to large language models), using content from/within/contained on our website;
- Use artificial Intelligence robots on our website in a way that does not explicitly conform to the following:
- Respect Robots Exclusion Protocol (robots.txt): Web crawlers or bots accessing our website must declare who they are and must have a unique user agent string. They must also adhere to the directives specified in our robots.txt file, and must abide by our robots related directive, particularly noindex and nofollow.
- Use of Data: Any data or information collected by web crawlers or bots from our website should be used solely for indexing, search engine optimization (SEO), backlining or other legitimate purposes that benefit the user experience. It should not be used for any unlawful, malicious, or unethical activities, including but not limited to spamming, using our data to train or pass to generative AI models, data mining, or unauthorized redistribution.
- Respect for User Privacy: Web crawlers or bots must respect the privacy of Users. They should not collect personally identifiable information without explicit consent and should comply with applicable data protection laws and regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States.
- Avoidance of Overloading: Web crawlers or bots should not overload our website's servers with excessive requests or engage in activities that could disrupt the normal operation of our website. They should follow established guidelines for polite crawling, including adhering to crawl rate limits and duplicate crawling specified in robots.txt and respecting server load considerations.
- Respect for Intellectual Property: Bots should not infringe on our copyrights and licenses and should not store content or material that violates our intellectual property.
- Scrape, access, monitor, index, frame, link, or copy any content on the Platform by accessing the Platform in an automated way, using any robot, spider, scraper, web crawler, or using any method of access other than manually accessing the publicly-available portions of the Platform through a browser or accessing the Platform through any approved mobile application, application programming interface, or client application;
- Decompile, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to obtain the source code or underlying ideas or information of or relating to the Platform;
- Submit any Posts that advocate illegal activity or discuss illegal activities with the intent to commit them;
- Engage in any activity that could cause us to violate any applicable law, statute, ordinance, or regulation;
- Resell or make any commercial use of our system or the content on the Platform, including personal information, without our prior written consent;
- Provide information on any other websites about JustAnswer, unless you expressly state that your statements are not made on behalf of and have not been approved by JustAnswer;
- Falsely imply JustAnswer's endorsement, partnership, employment, or otherwise mislead others as to your affiliation with JustAnswer;
- Use the Platform in a way that violates or facilitates violations of these Terms, any other agreement or guidelines that govern use of the Platform or attempt to do any of the foregoing directly or indirectly;
- Recruit, solicit, or contact in any form Experts or Customers for employment or any other use not specifically intended by the Platform;
- Advertise or solicit an expertise not related to or appropriate for the Platform including, but not limited to promotes or offers Ponzi schemes, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, affiliate marketing or unsolicited commercial content, discount cards, credit counseling, online surveys or contests, raffles, prizes, bonuses, games of chance or giveaways
- Access the Platform or content in order to build a similar or competitive website, product, or service; and
- Directly or indirectly bypass the Platform to obtain Expert services, or otherwise circumvent the Platform to bypass the Customer payment process for services provided by Experts via the Platform and/or initiated via the Platform.
If you post material that is adult in nature, such material shall be posted with "Mature AudiencesOnly" in the listing title and appropriate notices to prevent unauthorized underage viewing andshall be distributed only to people legally permitted to receive such content. For more information, please see the Parental Takedown pages located in Appendix B. You understand that violation of
these rules or Terms more generally may result in the termination of your Account. Youacknowledge and agree that JustAnswer may remove any Posts and terminate any Account at anytime for any reason (including, but not limited to, upon receipt of claims or allegations from thirdparties or authorities relating to Posts). JustAnswer further reserves the right to report unlawfulactivity to law enforcement or other regulatory authorities.
You further understand that JustAnswer has the right, but does not have any obligation, to monitorthe use of the Platform and verify information provided by our Users.
9. Notice and Procedure for Making Claims of Copyright Infringement
We will disable and/or terminate the Accounts of Users when we become aware of an intellectualproperty infringement. If you believe that your copyright or the copyright of a person on whosebehalf you are authorized to act has been infringed, please follow the steps in the JustAnswerCopyright Policies located in Appendix B.
10. Fees, Refund and Cancellation Policy
Customers on the Platform may be presented with one of three main payment models: (1) auto- renewing membership; (2) pay-per-question; or (3) additional Premium Services.
Membership & Membership Renewal. Memberships allow Customers to post questions to the poolof Experts in subject-matter categories, communicate with Experts on the Platform via chat, emails, and online message boards, and access answers to your questions for auto-renewing timeperiods (e.g., monthly, annually) set forth at the time of sign up. Customers who elect to payJustAnswer for memberships are hereinafter referred to as "Members” and your participation inthe Platform is a "Membership".
Unless otherwise stated on your sign-up page, when you sign up for Membership, you agree thatyou are subscribing to an automatically renewing Membership requiring recurring payments tothe payment source that you provided to JustAnswer (e.g. credit card, PayPal account) at thestated frequency (e.g., monthly or annually) at the then-current price until you cancel. You will becharged your first Membership fee and any applicable taxes by JustAnswer on the date youpurchase your Membership or, if applicable, after your paid trial ends. Your Membership willautomatically continue at the selected interval, and you will continue to be charged at the then- current price (including any applicable taxes), unless: (a) you terminate your account; (b) youcancel your Membership (as described below); (c) we decline to renew your Membership; or (d) these Terms are otherwise properly terminated as expressly permitted herein. Unless otherwiseindicated in these Terms or required by applicable law, you can request a refund of yoursubscription fee within 30 days from the date you paid the recurring fee. If any Membership fee
is not paid in a timely manner, or your transaction cannot be processed, we reserve the right tosuspend, disable, cancel or terminate your Membership. You will be responsible for paying all pastdue amounts. You acknowledge that billing may not occur on the exact same date of each month.
If required by law, JustAnswer will send notice of upcoming automatic renewal prior to renewingyour Membership as required by law. We reserve the right to change the terms of yourMembership, including price or provided benefits, from time to time. We will attempt to provideadvanced notice of any changes in Membership fees or prices prior to the next billing cycle, butthis will not include notification of changes in applicable taxes. If you do not wish to accept a feeor price change, you may cancel your Membership in accordance with these Terms.
Sign Up Fees. Some Customers/Members may be charged a sign-up fee, paid trial fee, or other feedisclosed at the time of sign up for a Membership. The sign-up fee is automatically charged to theMember's payment source provided on the Platform.
App Store Memberships. Memberships purchased via the app-not on JustAnswer's website-aremanaged directly by the applicable App Store. Consult the appropriate App Store to determine ifthe price charged includes all applicable taxes and currency exchange settlements. You are solelyresponsible for paying such taxes or other charges. JustAnswer relies on the App Store to collectsubscription fees, manage the subscription for your memberships, and to report on the status ofsubscription accounts that have been purchased from within the app. JustAnswer does not havethe ability to manage any aspect of an App Store subscription membership on your behalf, including, but not limited to, initiating, canceling, or refunding subscriptions.
Membership Cancellation or Termination. You have the right to cancel at any time. To cancel, whenyou are logged into your JustAnswer account, click on the “My Account" link from the JustAnswerhomepage, select the “Membership" tab from the left menu, then click on the "Cancel" link. If youagree to a subscription and then later agree to a different subscription, the terms of the laterselected subscription will apply and your earlier selected subscription will be cancelled.
When you cancel a subscription, you cancel only future charges associated with your membership. The automatic renewal will continue until cancelled by you or terminated by JustAnswer. Unlessotherwise indicated in these Terms, you can cancel your Membership at any time up to 24 hoursbefore the end of the current billing period by (1) clicking the cancel membership button on eitherthe help center page, if available, or your account's membership page; (2) sending a written noticeof cancellation via e-mail to [email protected] for the UK Website, [email protected] forthe Japan Website, [email protected] for the Spain Website, or [email protected] the Germany Website; (3) talking to a customer support agent via our online chatbot or bycalling 0808-168-0054 for the UK Website, 0120-974-951 for the JP Website, or 08001899302 forthe Germany Website; or (4) for subscriptions purchased through a third party App Store orplatform, through that third party. If you are located in Germany, applicable law may afford you
specific cancellation or withdrawal rights. Please see here for information about how to exercisethose rights.
Unless otherwise indicated in these terms, no refunds will be provided for a partial Membershipperiod, but you will continue to have access to the Platform until the next billing cycle. Notwithstanding any other terms, JustAnswer reserves the right to cancel your JustAnswerMembership in its entirety at any time and for any reason including but not limited to yourexcessive use (as determined by JustAnswer in its sole discretion under its Fair Use Policy), withor without prior notice. In the event that JustAnswer cancels a JustAnswer Membership, it willrefund the current period's fee.
Trials & Promotions. We may offer promotional trial subscriptions to obtain a Membership on atrial basis or access to the Platform for a promotional rate, as well as referral discounts ordiscounted access to Member benefits when you refer a new user(s). If your subscription includesa promotional rate or a paid trial Membership, you will be required to provide a credit card orother payment method in order to ensure uninterrupted access and continued use after theexpiration of the paid trial. You will be charged the promotional or trial membership rate for therelevant number of billing periods or days specified at the time of sign up, and upon completionof that period, your subscription will continue to automatically renew at the full rate unless you have cancelled your Membership. You may only be permitted to use one trial or discounted price offer. If your Membership is ever cancelled or terminated for any reason, and you purchase an additional Membership, you may not be eligible for a trial or to take advantage of another discounted price offer.
Any promotional monies or credits placed into Customer accounts by JustAnswer for use on the Platform remain the property of JustAnswer (they never become the property of Customers and never become refundable to the Customer), and unless otherwise stated on the Platform or in an email to a Customer, will be usable only for thirty (30) days.
Pay-Per-Question. Certain Customers may have the option to participate on the Platform with the pay-per-question model. Once you have paid the applicable amount, your question may be posted on JustAnswer. JustAnswer collects the applicable amount on behalf of the Expert and therefore does not charge any service fee itself to you on top of the Expert amount. You will be charged when the question is posted.
Additional Premium Services Fees. Fees are collected by JustAnswer on behalf of the Expert for the specific Additional Premium Service provided to the User. Once you accept an offer for Additional Premium Services, your payment method on file, if any, will be automatically charged the Additional Premium Services amount.
Rating the Expert. Experts typically respond to Customers' questions quickly. If the Expert requests further information before answering your question, you may wish to take advantage of the opportunity to provide more information to the Expert to allow the Expert to help you better. Once the Expert answers your question, you will be asked to rate the Expert. JustAnswer does not guarantee that you will receive a response from an Expert, or that you will be satisfied with your communication with an Expert
Additional Membership Terms & Changes. Members will be bound by their Membership Details so please be sure to review them carefully. We may change the Membership terms or fees at any time on a going forward basis in our discretion. If the pricing for your Membership increases, we will notify you and provide you an opportunity to change your subscription before applying those changes to your account or charging you in connection with an automatic renewal. We may choose in our sole discretion to add, modify, or remove benefits and features from a Membership. Your continued use of the Platform after the changes become effective will constitute your acceptance of the changes. If you do not wish to continue subscribing with the new fees or features, you may cancel your Membership. If you accept the new Membership subscription, its terms and conditions will apply for that renewal and all renewals going forward.
Expert Bonuses. Customers may have the opportunity to provide Experts bonuses or tips. You authorize JustAnswer to charge your payment method provided to JustAnswer for any bonus or tip you elect to provide to the Expert.
Payment Information. When you provide payment information, you represent and warrant that the information is accurate and that you are authorized to use the payment method provided for any payments due, including Membership fees, pay per question fees, service fees, taxes, and tips or bonuses you elect to provide. You acknowledge that we may process an authorization hold using your payment information in order to verify the information provided. You are responsible for keeping your payment details up to date by changing the details in your account setting. If your payment card details change or are due to expire, we may obtain or receive from your payment provider updated payment details including your card number, expiration date, and CVV (or equivalent). You authorize us to continue to charge your card using the updated information so that you can continue to receive your Membership.
If you do not pay any fees when due (for example, due to credit card expiration or insufficient funds), we may suspend or terminate your access to the Platform or your Membership. We also reserve the right to pursue any amounts you fail to pay in connection with your use of the Platform or your Membership.
Taxes. Unless local tax laws dictate otherwise, Experts, not JustAnswer, are responsible for any and all applicable federal, state, and local taxes, duties, tariffs, levies, withholdings, and similar assessments (including without limitation, sales, use, and value added taxes or GST) relating to the subject matter hereunder, excluding taxes based on JustAnswer's income.
11. Proprietary Rights and Limited License
All right, title, and interest in and to the Platform are and will remain the exclusive property of JustAnswer and its licensors. All materials therein, including, without limitation, software, images, text, graphics, illustrations, logos, patents, trademarks, service marks, copyrights, photographs, audio, videos, music, and all intellectual property rights related thereto, are the exclusive property of JustAnswer and its licensors. The Platform is protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws of both the United States and foreign countries. You acknowledge that the Platform has been developed, compiled, prepared, revised, selected, and arranged by JustAnswer and others through the application of methods and standards of judgment developed and applied through the expenditure of substantial time, effort, and money and constitute valuable intellectual property of JustAnswer and such others. Except as explicitly provided herein, nothing in these Terms of Service gives you a right to use the JustAnswer name or any of the JustAnswer trademarks, logos, domain names, and other distinctive brand features. Any other trademarks, service marks, logos, trade names, and any other proprietary designations are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Subject to your complete and ongoing compliance with these Terms, JustAnswer grants you a non- transferable, non-exclusive, revocable, limited license to access and use the Platform. You may only use the Platform if you agree to the current Terms. We reserve all rights not expressly granted to you by these Terms.
By sending us any feedback, comments, questions, or suggestions concerning JustAnswer, the Platform, or us (collectively, “Feedback") you represent and warrant (a) that you have the right to disclose the Feedback, (b) that the Feedback does not violate the rights of any other person or entity, and (c) that your Feedback does not contain the confidential or proprietary information of any third party or parties. By sending us any Feedback, you further (i) agree that we are under no obligation of confidentiality, express or implied, with respect to the Feedback, (ii) acknowledge that we may have something similar to the Feedback already under consideration or in development, (iii) grant us an irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, worldwide license to use, modify, prepare derivative works, publish, distribute, and sublicense the Feedback, and (iv) irrevocably waive, and cause to be waived, against JustAnswer and its users any claims and assertions of any moral rights contained in such Feedback. This Feedback section shall survive any termination of your Membership, these Terms, or your participation in the Platform.
13. Third Party Links & Services
The Platform may provide, or third parties may provide, links to other sites, applications, or resources. This may include, without limitation, Tools powered by parties other than JustAnswer. Because JustAnswer has no control or responsibility over such sites, applications, and resources, you acknowledge and agree that JustAnswer is not responsible for the availability of such external sites, applications, or resources, and does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products or other materials on or available from such sites or resources. You further acknowledge and agree that JustAnswer shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services available on or through any such site or resource. The availability of such Tools or links should not be interpreted as endorsement by JustAnswer of those Tools or linked sites.
14. Duration and Termination of Agreement
Duration. The agreement between you and JustAnswer reflected by these Terms is effective when you access the Platform (for example to create an Account) and remains in effect until either you or JustAnswer terminates the agreement in accordance with these Terms.
Termination by Customers. Customers may terminate your service and account at your sole discretion and at any time by written notice via e-mail to [email protected] for the UK Website, [email protected] for the Japan Website, [email protected] for the Spain Website, or [email protected] for the Germany Website. Absent extenuating circumstances, terminations typically will be effective within seven (7) business days after our receipt of your termination notice, at which time your account will be closed and access to the Platform will be removed. Any fees accrued as of the effective date of termination will be payable according to the Terms. The procedure for Experts to terminate their accounts is set forth in the Expert Agreement.
Termination by JustAnswer . JustAnswer may restrict, suspend, or terminate your Customer account if we reasonably suspect you have breached these Terms or applicable law. We will tell you the reasons for doing so and you can appeal if you disagree with our decision. The procedure for termination by JustAnswer of Experts' accounts is set out in the Expert Agreement.
Survival . Sections 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 16, 18, 20 and 22 of these Terms, and any other provisions that are necessary to effectuate those sections, shall survive termination.
By registering for the Platform, you consent to receive communications from us, which may include calls and text messages to the cellular telephone number you provide to us. For example, we may text you with transactional alerts about your account. You may also sign up to receive marketing or promotional calls and text messages. You may opt-out of receiving certain communications by following the unsubscribe options we provide to you. You acknowledge that opting out of receiving communications may impact your use of the Platform.
To the fullest extent allowed by local law, under no circumstances shall JustAnswer be liable to you or to any other person for any indirect, special, incidental, exemplary, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. As required by certain local jurisdictions, nothing in these Terms will limit our liability (i) when we were negligent and this led to death or personal injury; (ii) in case of fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; (iii) in respect of gross negligence or willful misconduct; or (iv) if such liability can otherwise not lawfully be limited or excluded.
Our Customer Care Team is available to address any concerns you may have regarding the Platform. Our Customer Care Team can resolve most concerns quickly to our Customers' satisfaction. The parties shall use their best efforts through this process to settle any dispute, claim, question, or disagreement and engage in good faith negotiations.
These Terms and our services will be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of the country where you live.
You may bring legal proceedings before the competent court of the country where you live or the competent court where JustAnswer is based, which is San Francisco, California. If we wish to enforce any rights against you, we will do so before the competent court of the country where you live.
Subject to your compliance with these Terms, JustAnswer grants you a limited non-exclusive, non- transferable license to download and install a copy of JustAnswer mobile or other app on a device that you exclusively control and to run such copy of the app solely for your own personal use. JustAnswer reserves all rights in and to the app not expressly granted to you under these Terms. You will not run any version of the app on a jailbroken device.
If you have downloaded our app, you agree to promptly download and install any new version that we make available through the iTunes App Store or Google Play store, as applicable. Some new versions may contain updated Terms. Some new versions may contain security fixes and service improvements, whether or not we disclose that they do; accordingly, failure to promptly update your version of the App may in some cases expose you to increased security risks or Platform malfunctions.
Entire Agreement. These Terms, including the Privacy Policy, constitute the entire agreement between you and JustAnswer with respect to the Platform and supersede any prior agreements, oral or written, between you and JustAnswer concerning the same subject matter.
Non-Waiver and Severability. JustAnswer's failure to exercise or enforce any of the Terms shall not constitute a waiver of JustAnswer's right to exercise or enforce the Terms as to the same or another instance. If any provision(s) of the Terms is held by a court or other competent authority to be unlawful, the rest of these Terms will continue to apply.
No Assignment. The Terms are personal to you, and are not assignable, transferrable or sublicensable by you except with JustAnswer's prior written consent. We may assign, transfer or delegate any of your rights and obligations hereunder without consent.
Section Titles. The section titles in the Terms are solely used for convenience only and have no legal or contractual significance.
Notice. You must send any notices to us related to your rights and obligations under these Terms, including but not limited to, any breaches (whether material or non-material) and other legal disputes ("Legal Notices”), via email along with sending a copy via (i) certified or registered mail (postage prepaid) or (ii) personal delivery to the following address: JustAnswer LLC, 440 N Barranca Ave #7508, Covina, CA 91723, or [email protected]. Routine requests, correspondence, and all other notices other than Legal Notices related to the Services under these Terms or the Platform may be sent via email or posted by us in our guidelines.
If you have questions about these Terms, please contact us in writing through JustAnswer's Help Center using the links located in Appendix C.
If you make use of our app on an Apple device, the following applies.
You acknowledge and agree that (i) these Terms are binding between you and JustAnswer only, and Apple is not a party hereto, and (ii) as between JustAnswer and Apple, it is JustAnswer that is responsible for the app and the content thereof. You must use the iOS app only on an Apple- branded product that runs iOS. Your use of the app must comply with the terms of use applicable to the Apple source from which you obtain it (including the Usage Rules set forth in the Apple App Store Terms of Service). You acknowledge that Apple has no obligation to furnish you with any maintenance and support Platform with respect to the app.
You acknowledge that Apple is not responsible for addressing any claims you have or any claims of any third party relating to the app or your possession and use of the app, including, but not limited to, (i) product warranty or liability claims; (ii) any claim that the app fails to conform to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement; (iii) claims arising under consumer protection or similar legislation; or (iv) claims that the app infringes a third party's intellectual property rights.
In the event of any failure of the iOS version of the app to conform to any applicable warranty that has not been effectively disclaimed by these Terms, you may notify Apple, and Apple will refund the purchase price for the app (if any) to you; to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Apple will have no other warranty obligation whatsoever with respect to the app, and, as between Apple and JustAnswer, any other claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs, or expenses attributable to any failure to conform to any warranty will be JustAnswer's responsibility, but only to the extent provided by these Terms. Please read the entire Terms, as other sections of these Terms limit JustAnswer's liability in this regard.
Apple, and Apple's subsidiaries, are third-party beneficiaries of these Terms. Upon your acceptance of the Terms, Apple will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce the Terms against you as a third-party beneficiary thereof.
Japan Website: プライバシー&セキュリティ| JustAnswer
Germany Website: JustAnswer Datenschutz und Sicherheit | JustAnswer
Spain Website: Aviso de privacidad | JustAnswer
UK Website: Privacy Policy & Security | JustAnswer
APPENDIX B – Copyright Policies and Parental Takedowns
Japan Website: 著作権侵害における削除手続き&ペアレンタル・コントロール情報| JustAnswer
Germany Website: Urheberrechtsverletzungs-Meldeverfahren und Datenschutz | JustAnswer
Spain Website: Procedimientos para retiro por violación de Derechos de Autor | JustAnswer
UK Website: Copyright Infringement Takedown Procedures & Parental Control Information | JustAnswer
Help Center for Japan Website: https://www.justanswer.jp/help/contact-us
Help Center for Germany Website: https://www.justanswer.de/help/contact-us
Help Center for Spain Website: https://www.justanswer.es/help/contact-us
Help Center for UK Website: https://www.justanswer.co.uk/help/contact-us